Monday, December 19, 2011

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Cookies

It's good to know people who bake and people who will take you and your three kids and bake with you. These are brave, loving people. We were blessed to have a cookie fest at our friends house this week-end. She had prepared the dough already and all the kids had to do was sprinkle, roll, squish, and stamp. With a lot of energy and patience from all of us we got the cookies done and even were sent home with a box. Thanks friend!

Fort Tamra

I have a very creative friend who gave the girls one of the best gifts. A fort pack. Included were self charging flashlight, clamps, one large sheet and a fun book. The girls made a fort immediately and are constantly looking out for new places to make forts in our home. This was a sleeping fort, shelter for the night.


Before anyone freaks out at this photo, this was completely voluntary on Walker's part and as soon as I took this photo, I made him get out. So I think it's pretty safe to say Walker and Robin best friends. Best friends in destruction and rough and tumble play. I recently discovered that Walker has been encouraging a nasty destructive streak in Robin. He'll provide the material for destruction and she'll provide the teeth. I think we could make some real money in the shredding business seriously. Most recently Robin has destroyed:

Her bed
Our packet of songs to practice for the Church sing
Walkers instruction pack for his new building set
A tree ornament
Carys' calendar from highlights (this was was salvageable with teeth marks)
My winter gloves
Cullen's winter gloves
Carys' gloves currently have a hole in them (she has a thing for gloves)

This is only in the last week and I'm sure there's more I could list if I had a great memory.

Robin is really lucky the kids love her.

Rag Tie Curls

We had some fun last night and tied the girls hair in rags last night. I knew we would get curly hair but I forgot how curly it would be. The girls were a bit shocked and we did have some tears but once we got past the fact that it was temporary they enjoyed their new look.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Helen's First Loose Tooth

Helen has a loose tooth AND a new tooth coming in quickly behind it. The new tooth, thankfully is normal shaped and appears healthy. Now, we've been encouraging Helen to wiggle her loose tooth!