Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Projectile Vomiting

One of the top ten most hated baby sickness symptoms for sure. Helen is not really concerned about the vomiting but the flavorless pedialyte we are trying to give her. Next time we will put a bit of sprite in there to make it more palatable. There'a viral sickness going around at the daycare so we're staying home tomorrow and if she's not feeling better, we'll visit Dr. Choi in the morning. Helen's a trooper though. She's still happy even when she's sick. She didn't get that from me.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Next she'll be bending spoons

Helen really wanted to grab the spoon so bad. Once she had it she could not let go. Or was she using her amazing mental capabilities to control the spoon, Hmmm?

Monday, November 28, 2005

Holiday Stocking

Usually when I have one craft idea, a string of ideas follow. Inspired by my friend Tamra's stockings and a giant bag of felt I had left over from a previous project, I'm creating a stocking for the newest member of the family.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Carys loves to play Dora the Explorer memory game. I'm sure you remember, the game where you take turns finding the pairs of overturned cards. She beat me eight to two. I'm happy she's smart but I guess for me it means I lost the synapses that might have remembered Dora and her pet monkey, eek.

On a side note, you know you're taking way too many pics when your subject says "no more pictures". This is why she's refusing to smile in tonight's photo.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Baby Bear Butt

What can I say? I'm a sucker for cute baby oufits.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Holiday Wreath

We need some decorations for our first Christmas in our first home. We bought this wreath for the inside entry door. Carys and I planned to decorate it. We have some ideas but we'd love to hear yours.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

Carys had a Thanksgiving celebration at her daycare. She colored this turkey herself.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

First Snow 2005

Cullen took this fabulous picture when we discovered it was snowing. We are going to buy a sled for the sledding hill by our house this week-end! This first snow melted but it's only just begun to get cold.

It's time to break out the hats and mittens. It's cold out there and will be for 6 months!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Giggling Sisters

I wish you could hear the giggling that took place in this post-bath playtime. I'm going to try audio soon.

Monday, November 21, 2005


Helen is ready to take off but her arms and legs don't quite agree yet. For now she's content trying and she had a lot of fun tonight.

Just a recap. This is Carys December 2003. It's so much fun to watch her then and now.


Helen wanted to grab the spoon but was surprised she had it once she did. It was kind of sticky so it stuck to her hand. More video later.

Carys is starting to use the spoon on a more regular basis, for eating. It's always been an amusing toy.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

What we did today

Ok, we're having uploading problems of an unknown origin, so I can't post pics tonight.

We went to the zoo today and had a great time looking at the wolves, the reptiles, and birds.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Let's Eat!

Helen is not a cryer. But lately she's become more assertive about her needs (by crying). So she shocked me by crying for real "food". This is the second night in a row she has had rice cereal and it looks like she's adding a new milestone to her list.

I still think she looks like she's rather have pizza and burgers what do you think?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Got Flu Shot?

Carys was a brave soul when we went to the Dr. to get her "owwie". She cried when she smelled the alcohol rub on her shoulder. She quickly recovered after being allowed to choose a Scooby Doo and Spiderman sticker from the goody jar.

Seriously, you might want to think about getting your flu shot if you haven't already.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Ta Da!

Helen has been rolling over since she was three months. So she's a pro. I just thought I would share it with ya'll.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


This give me hope for a peaceful future. Carys does play well with Helen, especially since Helen does not grab her toys yet.

Yes, Carys does have a green duvet. We were pressed to buy one and I could not find the perfect thing I was looking for so we ended up with this. I actually like it more and more b/c it reminds me of new growth in the spring. We'll all need this reminder with the long winter ahead.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Carys, downward facing dog, 10/17/03

Wow, I watched this video and laughed. Carys really was a tiny baby like Helen way back when.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Sleeping baby

Ahhh, night night.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

It's My Frog

I'm sure this will be a more common theme in this blog. Carys has commandeered the frog from Helen. At this point, Helen cannot protest but I see it in her eyes. She's thinking "it's my frog."

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Rice Cereal or Pizza?

Helen has had rice cereal twice and really did not seem interested so we have not pushed it. On this particular evening, she was tempted by Carys's pizza though.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Sticky the Movie

Here's a short video of Carys playing with Sticky. Sticky was destroyed shortly after his debut in this clip

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Helen plays on her playmat and loves to roll over for tummy time and grab dangling toys

Carys really likes to play at the park. She especially enjoys the toddler park by our house. There are lots of activities for big imaginations.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Helen has started taking baths with Carys. I wish it was always this fun.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Babies on quilt

Our good friend, Tiffany, made Helen this baby quilt. It's absolutely beautiful and both of us agree this is her best work yet.

Carys and Helen are wearing outfits provided by their YaYa.

Monday, November 07, 2005


This is Sticky

Carys had a lot of fun with Sticky. Helen is not pictured here b/c Sticky is not a good toy for little babies.

Sticky is VERY stretchy

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fall Leaves

Carys had fun helping poppy rake leaves. She enjoyed playing with the leaves.

Helen had a good time with Mommy. Of course, she would have loved to rake leaves but she can't yet walk. There's always next year!

Saturday, November 05, 2005


Carys was invited to a birthday party at a horse ranch. She expressed her Texas genes that day.

She met a pony named Ziggy. Now she asks every week-end if she can see Ziggy again. And just by luck the following week-end, she did get to see Ziggy again at a local business annual celebration. Some kids have all the luck!

Helen had a great time too!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Fall Babies

Helen loved the pumpkin patch in the park. (4 mos)

Her friend, Henry, loved the leaves in the pumpkin patch in the park.(6 mos)

Carys loved playing with the goats near the pumpkin patch in the park. She held onto this one just long enough for the little bumble bee to pet it.(32 mos)

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Life's more fun when you have someone to share it with. Meet Carys (on the right) and Helen (on the left), AKA baby sister.

Carys can't wait until the baby sister can walk, talk and play with her. We're going to have a great time sharing adventures and photos.