Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Ice Skating

Carys is learning to ice skate. Actually the entire first lesson the kids practiced learning how to fall on their bottom. They did pretty well with that. This has caused a bit of an issue with Helen. We have removed all activities except piano and AWANA. Not to punish but to give us more time to concentrate on her reading. Next year I anticipate I'll be able to post a picture of Helen ice skating, then we can go as a family, I'm so excited!


We have struggled to find veggies Walker will eat. He's pretty strong willed and will not eat them, even if a treat is promised afterward (reminds me of someone I know:). But these last few zucchinis of the season were a hit. Probably a bit because of their small size and the ranch dip. I tasted them and approve. Don't mistake this look for disapproval. He actually ate all of these, this is just a new face he's learned to make.

Alphabet and Spelling

Walker has moved past letter recognition to letter sounds and I'm trying to introduce sounds put together as words. Right now, we are mostly focusing on sounds.

Leaf Rubbing

Leaf rubbing, an OLD kids activity has been revived in our house. It's something simple I've not done in a long time, even when the girls were little. I love finding simple activities for us at home, I just have not found enough!

Fall Days

We have had some beautiful days right before the COLD, COLD, COLD weather hits us. I thank God for that. We were able to get out and enjoy the outside in near perfect temperatures with God's beauty surrounding us.