Thursday, May 27, 2010


Walker also has a blast outside and asks more than the girls ever did to go outside. Of course, right now it's more grunting and pointing but he KNOWS OUTSIDE.
Many days, we are at the park 2-3 times. He loves to climb and is learning to slide.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Worm Hunters Extraordinaire

I cleaned out an area to be completely devoted to vegetables this year. The girls enjoyed excavating in the dirt, many ant mounds were located, roly poly's were relocated and more than a few worms were unearthed. The girls had a TON of fun and Helen found the biggest worm I've ever seen.

Helen and Walker

Usually Helen and Walker are tugging, pushing, pulling, grabbing, hitting, crying, and wrestling. I happened upon this sweet moment, it was not staged. Helen is beginning to learn to read and it obsessed with teaching. She can't read this book yet, she is reading Bob books and is becoming very skillful with Phonics. Walker LOVES to sit in my lap and read so it's no surprise he was sitting in her lap. I can't wait until some of the unwanted physical activity calms down but maybe it never will.